Frequently Asked Questions

Why do my dependants also receive a Health SmartCard?
Each member of your family will receive his/her own unique Health SmartCard because Critical Medical Informationwill be placed on each individual’s Health SmartCard. Fingerprints of dependants younger than 15 years old will not be captured on the Health SmartCard as the fingerprints may change as they get older. However, the Critical Medical information, which can be life saving, will be placed on the Health SmartCard.

When can I for enroll my new NMC Health SmartCard?
As soon as you receive this notice! Please visit your nearest pharmacy/optician (see attached list)/NMC Client Service office (as listed above) to activate your new NMC Health SmartCard.

What happens if my card is lost?
Kindly contact our Client Service Offices. The lost card will be cancelled and a new Health SmartCard will be posted to you or can be collected at one of our Client Service Offices. The Fund will charge you N$40 for each replacement of a lost Health SmartCard.

What happens should my dependants/option status change?
As the principal member’s Health SmartCard contains ALL the dependant information, the principal member and relevant dependants (where change occurred) will receive a new Health SmartCard at no cost to you